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Tuesday, 21 February 2012

How I Reuse my Glossy Boxes

I have been an avid subscriber of GlossyBox since it first started and have been receiving them since June of last year. Although I don't blog about the contents as I think so many people do that and it wouldn't be constructive to have any more reviews than what is needed. I may review some of the individual products from time to time if there is something I truley love and would recommend and there are a couple of things that will come up in future posts.

So onto the point of my post today!

In my room I have a shelving set which is where I keep all my glossy boxes with the lids underneath each box.

This is my top shelf and I will explain each box in L-R.
So the first box contains a few essentials, Hairspray, my deoderant my Fiances deoderant for when he visits ( we are long distance :( ) and a few other hair products.
Next is my perfume box- I think you can guess whats in it.
Then next one is my skincare box, so a few Body Shop products and bits and bobs from glossyboxes. My Liz Earle products are not there as they live next to my mirror. Next to my boxes I have a shoe shaped money bank.

Ok so onto the next 2 shelfs.

The first one is my nail box with all my nail varnishes thrown in and false nails. As you can tell I'm not a very tidy person as long as its in a box.
Next is my body products box and the main product in there at the moment is my Dead Sea Salt brushing scrub which I absolutely love!
The next three boxes are just full of random bits and pieces which I really need to go through and organise.
Onto my last box which I think is my favourite full of false eyelashes. I love falsies and think that for a night out they really complete the look.

Anyway that enough of me blabbering on about boxes and my unorganised but organised storage. I think its a great way of reusing the boxes, it would be such a waste to throw them away. They also make great gift boxes and I did that at Christmas and used them for my two best friends presents.

Leave a comment and tell me how do you reuse yours??

A xxx


  1. Awesome Blog, I followed you :) I also make Blogs if you want to check them out :)

  2. I'm also getting a lot of use from my boxes. They're sturdy and great!! :)

  3. I do exactly the same! One box has all my false nails in, another eyelashes....etc lol! Great blog, followed! xxx

    1. Thanks Hayley! my only problem is im now running out of space to keep them! oh no! xxx
