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Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Pinterest inspiration #1

So I thought I would start a regular feature on my blog, one that I enjoy and I can fit around uni.

So here it is my Pinterest inspiration post. As I have posted before I love Pinterest and pin during a lot of my spare moments. Each week I'm going to change the theme slightly and may include inspiration quotes, make up looks and wedding ideas. 

This weeks theme is make up and hair inspiration!! This is great when trying to think of looks for nights out or special events and if you click the pictures on Pinterest a lot of the time you get taken through to the blog they came from where more often than not there's a tutorial on it. So here goes.....

The gorgeous Sophia Bush, I love that hair!!!                           Jennifer Lawrence from The Hunger Games. 


Sophia Bush again with Shantel VanSanten from one tree hill. 

Gorgeous sparkly eye!                                              How stunning is this green eye look?? 

Definitely want to try and recreate this look!                 MAC Impassioned lipstick!!! Adding to my Xmas list!! 

So what do you think of my new feature, is it a keeper? Let me know what you would like to see each week. 

Azaria xxxxx

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

New Name!!! and a little update!

So I felt that my blog needed a bit of a lift and that my name didn't give any inclination as to what my blog was actually about! So now with the new name "life,love and a beauty obsession" it gives a much better idea of what my blog is about. 

Since I got a new name I decided to get a new blog header and since I am not very technical I got the lovely Jess from Raffles Bizarre to make my header for me and I think she has done an amazing job! much better than I can do!!! Thanks Jess!

So whats new with me.... well next week I'm moving house so hopefully once I have settled I will be able to get back into blogging. Although I will be moving again not that long after Christmas so the next few months are going to be pretty hectic for me. 

My next post is going to be a Fall Haul post since I just updated my winter wardrobe. Just waiting on a couple of items to arrive from the interweb. 

What do you think of my new blog header and name? 

Azaria xxxx