So I felt that my blog needed a bit of a lift and that my name didn't give any inclination as to what my blog was actually about! So now with the new name "life,love and a beauty obsession" it gives a much better idea of what my blog is about.
Since I got a new name I decided to get a new blog header and since I am not very technical I got the lovely Jess from Raffles Bizarre to make my header for me and I think she has done an amazing job! much better than I can do!!! Thanks Jess!
So whats new with me.... well next week I'm moving house so hopefully once I have settled I will be able to get back into blogging. Although I will be moving again not that long after Christmas so the next few months are going to be pretty hectic for me.
My next post is going to be a Fall Haul post since I just updated my winter wardrobe. Just waiting on a couple of items to arrive from the interweb.
What do you think of my new blog header and name?
Azaria xxxx
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